World Masters
Creating One World through Arts & Culture
Daniel Fernando Salgado Hernandez
  • FieldNational Food / Chef(Gastronomy)
  • CountryHonduras


A chef who develops and promotes traditional cuisine in Honduras and pursues the development of fishermen, farmers, and others


1. Certifications: Seminar on customer service, protocol and etiquette, at the National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán(2007)

2. Certifications: Quality seminar in customer service at the National Vocational Training Institute (INFOP)(2008)

3. Certifications: Cooking Technician Course 1, in the Institute of Alternative Education (IDEAL) supported by the Government of the Republic through the Ministry of Education and Social Security the "my first job" program.

4. Certified as a Kitchen Technician By the Human Resources Development Advisory Center (CADERH)(2018)