World Masters
Creating One World through Arts & Culture
Rahayu Supanggah
  • FieldMusic / Composition
  • CountryIndonesia

An International acclaimed composer leading pioneer of New Music of Indonesia


1. Completed his Ph.D at the University de Paris VII, France in Ethnomusicology in 1985

2. Via his participation in numerous collaborative projects, has contributed significantly to the international distribution and acceptance of Indonesian music cultures

3. In his work as an artist, has been active in many different roles: as a performer, composer, artistic director, group leader, writer and speaker about music and art in researcher and teacher of music, both at home and abroad

4. In his country, had been labeled as a 'rebel pioneer' within the establishment of traditional Javanese Arts

5. His work has taken him to over 40 countries world and to date he haw written over 100 compositions