A Complementary Medicine Doctor has studied and developed Oriental Medicine,Chuna Manual Therapy, Iridology, Hand Acupuncture, Seogum Therapy, Saam Ohaeng Acupuncture and Auricular Acupuncture Therapy with passion
1. Current visiting professor in the department of oriental medicine and health, Wongwang Digital University
2. Visiting Professor in the department of spontaneous healing, American States University(2006-2007)
3. Therapeutic Goods Advertising Certificate of Exemption by the Australian
Traditional-Medicine Practitioner (N0-79269,2012), A duly accredited member of the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society, the Complementary Medicine Practitional Associations Council (NO- ATMS19843A, 2006-2007)
4. Ph D in Oriental Medicine, Yuin University(school of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (2002)
5. President of the Goryeo hand acupuncture association (1996)
6. Korea Master No. 16-462 (2016)
7. Named Sinzisikin(2015)