World Masters
Creating One World through Arts & Culture
Middle East/Africa
Charlie Haffner
  • FieldOther / Fork Song Writer & Consultant
  • CountrySierra Leone


A playwright and traditional communicator, over three decades, has worked extensively to establish a Theatre of the people, with the people and for the people


1.  His philosophy: "If people are conscious of their country's history and tradition, they are more likely to defend it. By promoting cultural pride, he strongly believes he will be contributing to change without anyone realizing it and without anyone being able to object"

2. Publisher of “Yeliba” Newspaper of Sierra Leone Arts, Culture and Entertainment (2013-2014)

3. Africa Excellence Lifetime Achievement Award for Theatre, Sierra Leone (2019)

4. Achievement Award, Sierra Leone Association of Artists and Musicians (SLAAM)(Washington DC, USA, 2012)

5. Presidential Gold Award, Sierra Leone for meritorious service in the field of Theatre Arts, Sierra Leone(2006)