World Masters
Creating One World through Arts & Culture
Associacăo das Mulheres Feirantes de Taquarucu- AMFETAQ
  • FieldArt Departments / Handicraft
  • CountryBrazil


The Handicrafts Association of the Brazilian herb ‘Capim dourado’ from the humid grassland in the Jalapão region of the Tocantins state in northern of Brazil



1. Handicrafts are made with the Brazilian herb ‘Capim dourado’ (Golden grass) that has appearance of spun gold and continues to shine after it has been harvested

2. Capim dourado is strong, durable and flexible enough to be woven, is very light in weight so handbags, bracelets, earrings etc. that look like gold

3. The Brazilian government assures that it is a renewable resource, harvested late in the growing season for maximum brightness and durability prohibits export of the raw grass; only crafted products may be sold outside Tocantins State