World Masters
Creating One World through Arts & Culture
Jorge Alberto Laínez Alfaro
  • FieldMusic / Songwrite, String instrument (Guitar)
  • CountryHonduras


One of the best Honduran musician pioneered a new genre, “environmental music” based on a "green" concept


1. Founded an environmental music project(Proyecto Aullador)in 2008 to promote the conscientious use of his country’s natural resources through music and other art forms, served as a platform to raise awareness through different ecological concerts and festivals throughout Central America

 2.Proyecto Aullador has performed in more than 30 concerts in Central America, Mexico, Canada, Ecuador and Peru, in 2009, participated in a cultural exchange in the province of Ontario, Canada

3. Has participated in National and International festivals: Bamboo International Arts Festival (2013 and 2014), Women’s Rights Manifesto Festival, International Concert VCG, Pecha Kucha Nights Tegucigalpa (2013) and Gracias Convoca Festival (2014)